Turbo C Project File C:\BORLANDC\OUTPUT C:\BORLANDC\INCLUDE C:\BORLANDC\LIB 32767 ~GREP -n+ $MEM(64) $NOSWAP $PROMPT $CAP MSG(GREP2MSG)void *.c ~Turbo Assembler /MX /ZI /O $TASM Turbo ~Debugger $EXENAME Turbo ~Profiler tprof $EXENAME R~esource Compiler ~Import Librarian IMPLIB $IMPLIB Build the bitmap.prj project before the dlldemo.prj project. Bitmap.lib is the import library for the bitmap.dll produced by bitmap.prj.5 DEMOTOOL.C \SOURCE\TOOLBR\UPLOAD\DEMOTOOL.C DEMOTOOL.RC SOURCE\TOOLBR\UPLOAD\DEMOTOOL.RC DEMOTOOL.DEF OURCE\TOOLBR\UPLOAD\DEMOTOOL.DEF DEMOFUNC.OBJ OURCE\TOOLBR\UPLOAD\DEMOFUNC.OBJ TBDEMO.ICO BMP5.BMP BMP4.BMP BMP3.BMP BMP2.BMP BMP1.BMP DEMOTOOL.RC ESTOOLS0.H ESDEFS.H ..\..\..\INCLUDE\WINDOWS.H DEMOTOOL.C R~esource Compiler